12.07.2018 · Umhvørvismálaráðið

Samhugaskriv til Japan

Samhugaskriv til Japan

Poul Michelsen, landsstýrismaður í uttanríkis- og vinnumálum, hevur sent japanska starvsbróður sínum, Taro Kono, samhugaskriv í samband við, at Japan varð rakt av herviligum áarføri, ið hevur elvt skriðulop og vatnflóð.

Samhugaskrivið er soljóðandi:

Dear Mr. Taro Kono

I was deeply saddened to learn about the torrential rainfall and its resultant floods and landslides in Western Japan. On behalf of the Government and the People of the Faroe Islands, I offer sympathies to those affected by the floods and landslides, which have claimed the lives of so many Japanese citizens, and left many more injured and in distress.

Our thoughts and heartfelt compassion are with those who mourn the loss of life among the Japanese people.

Disasters caused by the unpredictable and immense forces of nature are always tragic, and I would like to send our deepest condolences to the families and loved ones of those affected.

Sincerely yours,

Poul Michelsen